In many network environments the administrators and security engineers have an understanding of the full geographical scope and reach of their network. While some corporations have a global audience and expect traffic from the far reaches of the world, others are more localized and target a specific small region.
A health care provider for Alaska would monitor its network connections to ensure that network connections are limited to its main source of users, i.e. those in Alaska. An insurance company in St. Louis will see mostly traffic from IP addresses in Missouri, but Illinois as well, due to the city being on the state line.
Occasionally, administrators may notice connections being made from Hawaii, Bermuda, or Italy, signifying users who are on vacation but are still wired in to their work. However, a long-term series of connections from a Eircom subscriber, Ireland’s largest ISP, should spark interest to the network administrator of a Seattle tax firm.
While anonymous web connections from global addresses are common, specific attention should be paid to such addresses being used to access password-protected areas of a corporation. This could include remote file access, VPN and web-based corporate email.
In such cases the logs from these applications, usually supplied in plain text or W3C format, contain details about transactions to include the remote IP address and the account name being authorized. In reviewing logs from various incident responses cmdLabs has found details to show that a short log review made on a daily basis could help smaller corporations determine quickly if a user account was compromised and accessed from a remote location.
For example, the log sample below from a Cisco ASA tracks VPN connections. The user “cmdLabs\bbaskin” was accessed via the IP address of on 2 April, 2011, an IP that was traced back to Ireland. A few hours later the same account was accessed from an IP address in Austria.
Apr 2 21:53:37 Apr 02 2011 21: 53:08: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 7823 for inside: ( to NP Identity Ifc: (
Apr 2 21:53:37 Apr 02 2011 21: 53:08: %ASA-6-104: AAA user authentication Successful : server = : user = cmdLabs\bbaskin
Apr 2 21:53:37 Apr 02 2011 21: 53:08: %ASA-6-113009: AAA retrieved default group policy (DfltGrpPolicy) for user = cmdLabs\bbaskin
Apr 2 21:53:37 Apr 02 2011 21: 53:08: %ASA-6-113008: AAA transaction status ACCEPT : user = cmdLabs\bbaskin
Apr 2 21:53:37 Apr 02 2011 21: 53:08: %ASA-6-734001: DAP: User cmdLabs\bbaskin, Addr, Connection Clientless: The following DAP records were selected for this connection: DfltAccessPolicy
For this small set of data it is trivial to query each IP address to determine its country of origin, netblock owner, and other details that would highlight unauthorized access. The problem arises when you have hundreds of thousands of such transactions in your daily log files.
One service that cmdLabs uses regularly is the IP to ASN WHOIS server run by Team Cymru. This server provides quick and easy access to country codes for a given IP address. However, it has two limitations: it requires Internet-access which is not readily available from a forensic workstation and to process a large bulk of IPs you have to use their Netcat process which only returns ASNs and not country codes. To overcome these limitations I've developed a simple solution that could process hundreds of thousands of IP addresses to determine country codes.
This solution is a small Python script called IP2CC that takes an IP address as input and outputs the originating country code for that IP. This solution requires three components:
- The free country code database located at (updated monthly)
- Python API module to access this database located at
- The script. Downloadable at the end of this blog post.
python –i-f <input file> [-c] [-t]
> python -i
> python -i -c,US
> echo | python
> python -f IP.txt -c,AU,US,Internal
In one use, we'll eliminate known intranet/extranet IP addresses and run the resulting list through IP2CC to produce a master list of foreign accesses. This script will run in Linux and OSX in conjunction with the native OS command line tools. For a Windows environment you will find additional capabilities by installing the necessary GnuWin32 components. For example, when reviewing a NCSA-formatted log with the IP address in the first field:
D:\> type in051611.log | egrep –v “^192” | gawk “{print $1}” | python -t | egrep –v “US|Internal” | gawk -F\t "{print $1}" | sort | uniq > DailyForeignIPs.txt
D:\> for /F %i in (DailyForeignIPs.txt) do grep “%i” in051611.log >> DailyForeignConnections.txt
Dealing with the VPN logs shown earlier, we'll change our command line a bit. Using the standard Cisco log file index as a source we can see that the log id of 734001 will show us the remote IP address of a user login. We'll search the log for that id and then parse out the IP address in the 15th field. An additional hindrance is that the IP address is appended with a comma, which we’ll remove with the ‘tr’ command.
D:\> type asavpn-051611.log | findstr "734001" | gawk “$15 !~ /^192/ {print $15}” | tr -d "," | python –t | egrep –v “US|Internal” | sort | uniq > DailyVPNForeignIPs.txt
Usage of a tool like IP2CC is a first step to opening an administrators eyes to traffic beyond their network. A good administrator or security engineer should monitor not only the traffic that flows across their network but also the perceived traffic that flows from a network’s outer nodes to the Internet. Monitoring for your company’s existence in spam black-lists, a malware rating on services like Web of Trust, and other indicators can give clues that an infection or intrusion may be underway within your network.
IP2CC Python Source Code v1.0